
Students who have expressed a desire to participate in the competition to study at the military department at the NON-PROFIT JOINT STOCK COMPANY “West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M.Ospanov” can apply in the prescribed form at the military department. To do this, you must be registered in the military register at the Republican State Institution “Joint Directorate for Defense of the Astana and Almaty districts” of Aktobe city (for all questions, please contact: Maresyeva 72, office 26, call 54-16-92, 56-04-09).
Students from other universities in Aktobe who do not have a military department may be admitted to military training on a reimbursable basis by the head of the university in coordination with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan when providing places according to the recruitment plan. Students of the Faculty of General Medicine of the Ospanov State Medical University recommended by the selection committee for training are involved free of charge.
Students of universities studying full-time are allowed to participate in the competition for training – citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan aged no older than 24 years for the year of the competition, who do not have a criminal record.
For training under the reserve officer training program, documents are accepted from first-year (4-year) and second-year (5-year) students;
For training under the reserve sergeants training program, documents are accepted from students of the first, second (with 4 years of study) and first, second and third years (with 5 years of study).
The competition for the selection of students to study at the military department is carried out in four stages:
stage 1 – passing a medical examination to determine the suitability for training at the military department at the Republican State Institution “Joint Directorate for Defense Affairs of Astana and Almaty districts” of Aktobe city;
Stage 2 – conducting professional psychological testing;
Stage 3 – physical fitness check.
Stage 4 is a competitive selection carried out in accordance with the calculation of the rating score.
The training is conducted using the “military day” method 1 time per week. The duration of training for reserve officers is 2 years, the military rank of “reserve medicine lieutenant”, “reserve lieutenant” is awarded;
for reserve sergeants – 1 year, the military rank of “junior sergeant of the reserve” is awarded.
Applications from students to participate in the competition will be accepted from February 12, 2024 after they register for military service in Aktobe.
The list of documents for participation in the competitive selection:
- Identity card (original and copy).
- Certificate of registration or military ID (original and copy).
- 2 photos of 3×4 cm in size.
- Certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record and administrative offenses
- A certificate of the student’s actual education at the university, signed by the dean of the faculty.
After graduating from the military department, graduates can get a job in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Graduates of the medical profile can get a job as doctors in military medical institutions and units of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Military doctors during their service can improve their skills in institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Center of Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in military medical institutions of the near and far abroad.
It is also possible to participate in peacekeeping operations as part of the UN coalition forces.