“Independence is the foundation of the country”
On December 8, 2020, the Department of General medical practice No. 2 held a round table “Tauelsizdik – El tugyry” under the ZOOM program for the Independence Day, organized by interns of groups 603-604 and associate Professor of The Department Zinalieva A.N. Interns prepared a presentation and showed videos for the celebration.
Interns A. Zhumatay read a poem by M. Shakhanov “Zheltoksan alany”, Zh. Bekmukhanbetova performed kui ” Tolgau “and M. Amantayev read a poem by Kalkaman Sarin”Tauelsizdik”.
The event ended with the song “Kok tudyn zhelbiregeni”.
At the end of the round table, the head of the Department, associate Professor Sartaeva A. Sh. expressed her opinion on the importance of the Independence of the state and its role in the patriotic education of young people. Assistant M. K. Nazarbayeva, who is responsible for educational work at the Department, noted the educational significance of our Independence.
Responsible for the event, associate Professor of The Department Zinalieva A. N. noted the importance of this round table in the education of the younger generation.