In 1967, the Central Experimental Laboratory (CEL) was founded in Aktobe State Medical Institute, headed by Yuri Nikolaevich Karlenko.
In 1975, c.m.s., Associate Professor Azhayev Sovet Azhayev was appointed as head of CEL.
In 1980, Central Scientific Research Laboratory (CSRL) was opened. In CSRL there were 4 scientific groups – immunological, pathomorphological and biochemical, radioisotope and scientific. More than 250 employees of various departments conducted scientific research.
In 1976-1999, CEL was headed by c.m.s., associate Professor Tleukhan Begalievich Begalin (now Associate Professor of the Department of Epidemiology).
From 1980 to 1984, the staff of CSRL and the faculty of the University carried out scientific research on the topic: “Recommendations on the preservation and promotion of health of the population of Aktobe Oblast exposed to environmental pollution by chromium and its compounds.”
In the 80-90-ies the research team of the University were concentrated on the solution of the leading problem “Scientific fundamentals of occupational health and occupational diseases”.
In 1999, the CSRL was headed by c.m.s. Serik Zhumabayevich Sakhiev (now Professor of the Department of Surgery).
In 1999- 2000, c.m.s. Nazhimov Bolat Samievich was head of CSRL.
In 2000-2003, the branch state scientific and technical program “Development of methods for correcting the insufficiency of various organs and systems with the help of fetal therapy” was carried out.
In 2000-2008, c.m.s., Galina Nikolaevna Chukanova was the head of CSRL (now Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology).
In January 2006, CSRL was reorganized into the Scientific Center (SC), and in November 2008 , it was reorganized into the Scientific and Practical Center (SPC).
In 2008 -2013, head of the Scientific and Practical Center (SPC) was c.m.s., Associate Professor Kozy Myrzahanovich Kibatayev (now Associate Professor of Visual Diagnostics Department).
Over the years, Zhumagalieva G.D. (now Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate Professor), Kurmangaliev O.M. (now Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor), Budchanov Yu.I. (now Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Tver Medical University), Omarov S.D. (Candidate of Medical Sciences), Sinitskaya Z.F. (now Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor), Sultanov T.A. (now Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Marat Ospanov State Medical University), Shaikhimov E.Sh. (now Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Marat Ospanov State Medical University), Ph.D., Associate Professor Aristenko V.G., Ph.D. Nasyrov I.N., D.M.N. Zasorin B.V., S.N.S. Nurgazin Zh.T., N.S. Slambaeva S.A., N.S. Urgushbaeva G.M., M.N.S. Izdenova N.R., Aitmaganbet P.Zh., Narimanova N.N., senior laboratory assistant Bekbusinova S.U., Nasyrov S.N., laboratory assistant Bagimbaeva G.M., Koishibaeva B.M., Pestryakova T.I., Yerimbetova T.K., Sabyrgazieva Z.E.
Since February 2013, head of SPC is doctor of Medical Science, Associate Professor Svetlana Kaliullaevna Sakhanova.
Since 2013, the employees of SPC participate in the implementation of scientific and technical programs.
The main purpose of the scientific and practical center is to organize and conduct research in conjunction with the departments of the University on topical issues of biomedical problems; to assist undergraduates, doctoral students, teaching staff in conducting scientific research.
The objectives of the Center are to conduct research on the development and improvement of models of normal and pathological conditions, various methods of research, diagnosis and treatment, as well as work on programs funded by the Ministry of Health/MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at the expense of extra-budgetary funds; providing advisory, scientific and methodological assistance to teaching staff. On the basis of the NPC, fragments of the NTP are performed and scientific research on student, master’s and doctoral works is carried out.
SPC has scientific laboratories – molecular-genetic, sanitary and hygienic, laboratory of molecular biology and laboratory of cell.
The molecular-genetic laboratory performs the study of genetic markers associated with the risk of diseases, prognosis, therapy and determination of the effectiveness of the used medicinal substances, identification of existing infectious or viral diseases.
The sanitary and hygienic laboratory carries out laboratory and instrumental measurements and analysis of physical and chemical factors of the environment and biological environment.
Laboratory of Molecular Biology conducts molecular-biological research (protein, RNA, DNA) using modern technologies.
Laboratory of cells explores cellular structures using modern methods (Aklides, flow cytometry, etc.).
The objectives of scientific laboratories are to conduct research work on the development and improvement of models of pathological conditions, methods for their diagnosis and treatment, as well as work on programs financed by MH / MES RK and through extrabudgetary funds.
Senior Researcher Berdgaleeva А.К. and laboratory assistant Umarova B. |
Researcher Muldykeshova А.Zh. and assistant Zhumagaliyeva A. |
Senior Researcher Zavalennaya O.V., Head Sakhanova S.K. and laboratory assistant Batyrova S.M. |
Junior research assistant Smagulova D.B. |
Head of the vivarium Vivarium Kusanova E.I. and workers Sakauova D., Bekzhanova N.. |
Systems coordinator Otesh I.K. |
In SPC, a vivarium (various types of laboratory animals necessary for conducting research work of the staff, undergraduates, doctoral students, students) is functioning. Anna Afanasyevna Abramchenko, Henrieta Georgievna Milbert, Medieva G., A.Erekesheva, N.Tleubergenova, T.A. Makhambetova, J. Dyadenko G. Zhumagazina made a great contribution to providing the scientific process with various kinds of experimental animals.
In 2001-2013, the vivarium was headed by Marzhan Myrzabaevna Berdybekova (now a pensioner). Since October 2013, the vivarium is headed by Elena Ivanovna Kusanova. Care of the animals is performed by workers Sakauova D., Bekzhanova N.
Scientific and Practical Center
Aktobe, Mareseva, str., 74
Tel. 8 (7132) 54-41-24

Head of scientific and practical center
Doctor of Medical Sciences, ass. Professor
Svetlana Kaliullaevna Sakhanova

Senior Researcher of molecular-genetic laboratory
Oksana Vladimirovna Zavalennaya

Senior Researcher of molecular-genetic laboratory
Candidate of Biology Sciences, ass. Professor
Aiman Kazhigaleevna Berdgaleeva

Researcher of sanitary and hygienic
Aliya Zhusupovna Muldykesheva

Junior research assistant of Cell laboratory
Daniya Bauyrzhankyzy Smagulova

Head Vivarium
Elena Ivanovna Kusanova