The first seminar of the magazine «WEST KAZAKHSTAN MEDICAL JOURNAL»
According to the plan of trainingseminars of the WestKazakhstanMedicalJournal, the ...
Expansion of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
The Universityreceived a delegationfrom the TashkentStateDentalInstitute(Uzbekistan). The guestspresentedtheireducationalprogramsandachievementsin the academicandscientificfields. ...
The acceptance of documents for the pharmacy program continues
TheBachelor’s degree program is pharmacyfromJune20toAugust25. Abbreviatedforms of educationfromJuly1toAugust5. A specialexamfor ...
The acceptance of documents for the public health program continues
For the Bachelor’s degree program”PublicHealth”fromJune20toAugust25. FromJuly1toAugust5, in a shortenedform of ...
The acceptance of documents for the nursing program continues
For the Bachelor’s degree program”Nursing”fromJune20toAugust25. FromJuly1toAugust5, in a shortenedform of ...
The acceptance of documents for the medical and preventive care program continues
For the bachelor’s degree program“Medical and preventive medicine”fromJune20toAugust25. FromJuly1toAugust5, in ...
Dear applicants!
Tomorrow, a live broadcast with the vice-rector for educational work ...
The teaching staff is our main asset and pride!
We invite teachers to fill vacant positions in the following ...
The documents for the grant are being accepted
The AdmissionsCommittee has startedacceptingdocumentsfrom the participants of the stateeducationalgrantscompetition.Documents are ...
Scientific internship
Researchers of the scientific project «Assessment of socio-psychological opportunities for ...