Scientific projects – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Scientific projects

Scientific projects carried out at the SPC:

  1. “Epidemiological analysis of human papillomavirus in the region of Western Kazakhstan in the context of virus-associated cervical pathology – social, clinical and genetic aspects” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2015-2017
  2. Certification of workplaces of the Marat Ospanov State Medical University on working conditions (measurement of harmful physical and chemical factors, assessment of severity and intensity of work) 2013-2014
  3. “Selection of lactobacilli with immunomodulatory, detoxifying and local anti-microbial properties”. Scientific Consultant 2016
  4. “Pathogenesis and experimental therapy in combined chromium-bromine–induced skin lesions (allergic dermatitis, ulceration, etc.)” Scientific consultant M.K. Iztleuov – student project
  5. “Study of the therapeutic properties of allogeneic stromal cells of cadaveric bone marrow” – student project.
  6. “Perinatal mixed infections (diagnosis, treatment and prevention)” (with the Department of Pediatric Diseases No. 1)
  7. “Modern approaches in the diagnosis of viral genital infections in reproductive losses” Scientific consultant Ryzhkova S.N.
  8. “Intoxication of kezindegi (sodium tetraborate) bauyrdyn morphofunctionals zhagdayy” Scientific consultant – Professor of histology T.Zh. Umbetov
  9. “Modern approaches to the diagnosis of viral genital infections in reproductive losses” 2017-2018
  10. “Development of modern methods of screening for cervical cancer” 2017-2018
  11. “Development of scientific and methodological foundations for minimizing environmental stress, medical care, social protection and health improvement of the population of ecologically unfavorable territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2017-2020
  1. “Embi-5 landfill aumagyndagi zher zhamylgysyn radiatialyk lastan deheyin ecologiyalyk- hygiene bagalau” 2017-2018. Student project
  2. Environmental monitoring of the territory of the former Emba military test site -5. 2018-2019.
  3. “Comparative experimental and clinical assessment and methods of correction of complications of neoplastic breast processes caused by chemotherapy associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations” (with the Department of Pathophysiology) – 2018-2020 – MES RK
  4. “The role of cytokine gene polymorphism in the development and prognosis of pancreatic necrosis in the Kazakh population: analysis of intergenic interactions” (with the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1) – 2019-2021
  5. “Genetic factors of preeclampsia development” (with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2) – 2019-2021
  6. “Search for the most significant molecular genetic markers in alcoholism patients in the Kazakh population” (with a course in psychiatry and narcology)- 2019-2021
  7. “Biomedical aspects of the combined effect of chromium compounds and ionizing radiation on the body (experimental study)”, (with the Department of END) – 2019-2022
  8. “Molecular genetic aspects of obesity in the ethnic population of Kazakhs”, (with the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2) – 2019-2021
  9. “The role of trace element status, DNA damage in the development of oncopathology (on the example of Aktobe region)”, (with the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics) – 2019-2021
  1. “Geochemical mapping of trace elements of the territory of Aktobe” – 2019
  2. “The degree of pollution by harmful substances of atmospheric air in the parking lots of residential buildings in Aktobe, with equipped playgrounds” 2018-2019
  3. “Genetic predisposition factors of viral infectious hepatitis in the Kazakh population of Western Kazakhstan cytokine profile of patients in the process of antiviral therapy”, (with the Department of Infectious Diseases) – 2019-2021
  4. “Study of the prevalence and variability of CDH1 gene germ line mutations in patients with gastric cancer in the context of a personalized approach to the choice of therapeutic tactics”, (with the Department of Oncology)
  5. “Clinical and genetic markers of vitamin D status in newborns and young children in the Kazakh population”, (with the Department of Pediatric Diseases No. 1) – 2019-2021
  6. “Analysis of the epidemiological situation and monitoring of cancer treatment by the method of repair of double-stranded DNA breaks in lymphocytes, using the example of stomach and breast cancer” (with the Department of Oncology) – 2019-2021
  7. “Recurrence of tuberculosis of the respiratory system: monitoring and causes contributing to the development of tuberculosis” (with the Department of Phthisiology) – 2021-2023
  8. Clinical and genetic markers of vitamin status in children under one year of the Kazakh population – MES RK 2021 (with the Department of Pediatric Diseases No. 1) – 2021
  9. “Prevention of preeclampsia with prolonged folic acid intake with an assessment of genetically determined disorders of folate metabolism: a randomized controlled trial with an embedded cohort study” (with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2) – 2022-2024
  10. “Development of technology for obtaining new vaginal dosage forms based on hydrophilic polymers” together with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University – 2022 G.
  11. “Biomedical aspects of the combined effect of chromium compounds and ionizing radiation on the body (experimental study)” university grant 2022-2024
  12. “Prediction of preeclampsia based on concentrations of PLGF and sFlt-1 in urine: a multicenter study” MES RK, 2022-2024
  13. Development of toxicometric criteria for the hazard and toxicity of drilling mud and sludge. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2023-2025
  14. Prevention of spontaneous oncogenesis in the first generation of rats whose parents were exposed to gamma radiation and chromium (experiment). Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2023-2025