Information for students, teaching staff and colleagues on the distance learning

NSJC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” takes the necessary operational measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with the guidelines given in the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the order of Chairman of the Board – Rector of NSJC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University ” (No. 10 / 5-1-05 / 1-62 dated March 16, 2020), from March 16, 2020, the educational process at the university was transferred to online learning.

Dear, our students!

In order to ensure the security of your health and well-being, and to minimize the risks of infection, the educational process switched to distance learning from March 16, 2020.

We ask you to follow these instructions:

Using the login and password from AIS “Sirius”, log on to portal of the distance learning Moodle

Find the necessary discipline and enroll in the course yourself.

To perform test tasks, you should open the application with the agreement of the teacher of the discipline.You need to be constantly online during the lessons.

Dear University Staff!

You need to enter your disciplines and tutorials on the distance learning portal Moodle (there is video instruction on working with the program).

Lecture classes can be conducted through the Zoom program.
To do this, you must:

Log in and register at

start a video conference and send the link to students through messengers. Links to tutorials:

Use chats in WhatsApp with all students in the study group.

If necessary, use e-mail and other instant messengers for communication and feedback with students.

WHO general information about COVID-19

Basic precautions for protection against new coronviral infection
Observing the following rules:

Please wash your hands regularly. Treat hands regularly with alcohol or wash with soap. Alcohol-containing agent is used to treat hands.

Keep your distance in public places. Keep at least 1 meter away from people, especially if they have a cough, a cold, and fever, coughing or sneezing, a person with a respiratory infection, such as 2019-nCoV, spreads the smallest drops containing the virus around them. If you are too close to such a person, you can get a virus by inhaling air.

Whenever possible, do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands. Hands touch many surfaces on which the virus may be present. Touching the infected hands to the eyes, nose or mouth, the virus can be transferred from the skin of the hands to the body.

Observe the rules of respiratory hygiene. When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth or crease of your elbow; immediately throw away the napkin the cloth into a dustbin with a lid and treat your hands with an alcohol-containing antiseptic or wash with soap and water.

Seek medical attention as soon as possible if the temperature rises, coughing and breathing difficulties occur

Increased temperatures, cough and difficulty in breathing require immediate medical attention because they can be caused by respiratory infection or other serious illness.
Keep up with the latest information and recommendations from healthcare professionals. Central and local health authorities have the most up-to-date information on the incidence of COVID-19 in our area. They may give the most appropriate recommendations for individual protective measures for the residents of your area.