Social Policy Session of West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University

The Office of socio-psychological support organized an online conference on the development of “social policy” in West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, with the participation of the vice-rector for educational work – Ismagulova E.K., deans of faculties, the head of the Department of Social Work and Youth Policy Nazhenov Aibek, the head of the Office of Youth Affairs Tazhibayeva Z.A., the head of the Office of socio-psychological support Seitaliyeva A.Z., as well as with the leaders of the Student Parliament.

The introduction of additional benefits for students from socially vulnerable categories, as well as the introduction of special privileges for students who have excelled in their studies, research, volunteer activities and sports were deeply discussed during the conference with the right presence of students with the Student Parliament. Social Worker of the University – Olga Tsesko displayed and showed the presentation on monitoring the current social policy of the university, a comparative analysis of social support was carried out with other medical universities of Kazakhstan. After that, the participants of the meeting were able to put forward their proposals for the development of policies for our university.

The leaders of the Student Parliament, on behalf of all university students, were able to directly ask questions to the vice-rector for educational work and deans of faculties and get answers to them regarding the implementation and development of social support for university students.

Following the conference, it was decided to continue the development of social policy of the university. To develop a mechanism for receiving scholarships for students engaged in volunteer activities, according to the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.