Online webinar

In order to ensure the quality of the educational process in a distance format in the NJSC Marat Ospanov WKMU, the Center for Continuous Professional Development from 25 to 28 August 2020 held a series of training webinars for the teaching staff of the university.

The trainers were the experienced employees of the Center for Continuous Professional Development, the Department of Academic Work and the Department of Histology. The following topics were covered at the webinars: “Cybersecurity and distance learning methodology”, “Interactive teaching methods at distance learning”, “Assessment of learning outcomes”, “How to organize the educational process at distance learning? Instructions for action “.

The teaching staff improved IT competencies on various information platforms, compliance with information security, management of educational achievement results, effective organization of the educational process in distance learning, work in Moodle in terms of the content and structure of the course with additional settings, control of course mastering by students to increase motivation in learning, worked with a checklist for self-control and discussed the observance of the principles of Academic Honesty.