Online workshop on drawing up the individual plan for the professional development of the teaching staff

On January 20 and 22, 2021, the personnel development department of the Human Resource Management Department organized and conducted the online workshop “Drawing up the individual professional development plan (IPPD) for the teaching staff.” on the Zoom platform.

IPPD is a working tool that helps teaching staff to develop their necessary professional skills and qualities systematically and purposefully and to predict their professional development. During the workshop, the head of the development department, Sissenova Ainura Tagabergenovna and the HR manager, Gumarova Zhanna Zhanbulatovna, helped the participants to determine the initial and planned levels of competence development, professional needs, as well as to work out the planning skill, to outline future professional achievements. At the end of the workshop, the participants were able to build their individual trajectory of development, to assess their strengths and areas for their development, and to determine an effective set of actions and skills. In total, 93 faculty members of ZKMU took part in the event.