Career guidance work

In April-May of the current 2022, meetings were held between teachers of the department of chemical disciplines and teachers and high school students of schools in the city of Aktobe (№ 3, 4, 8, 19, 30, 33, 34, 50, 75). This event was organized by the admission committee of the WKMU named after Marat Ospanov in order to help schoolchildren in choosing their future profession and university.

Work on vocational guidance is a set of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at self-determination of schoolchildren, therefore, along with modern technologies for posting information on the university website, live communication directly with the target audience – schoolchildren of grades 9-10-11 plays an important role in attracting city schoolchildren – our future applicants.

An important role in solving both the psychological and pedagogical tasks of career guidance work is played by subject teachers who provide not only information and advisory assistance, but also contribute to the formation of adequate self-esteem in schoolchildren in biology and chemistry, since these 2 profile areas of subjects account for 60% of the passing score among 5 subjects of the UNT exam.

During the meeting Aktobe schoolchildren learned about the areas of training and the specifics of education at the Medical University, about the work of scientific and creative student societies, sports sections, and international relations of our university. Changes in demography, increased competition among educational institutions of vocational education determine the priority areas of the university’s activities to improve career guidance. Carreer guidance work is a awarness need for the activity of the university, since attracting worthy students is the key to a high university rating, achieving goals and accomplishment of the mission in the region and the republic.