Academic mobility

In accordance with the policy of the university, thanks to the merits of professor Nurgalieva R.E. and the head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, docent Kaldybayeva A.T., the department of Normal Physiology has agreements with several universities.

At the moment, the week of normal physiology of the Bashkir State Medical University is being held at our department with incoming academic mobility.

Lectures and classes are conducted by candidate of biological sciences, docent Lilia Nazifovna Shafieva, for the 1st year of the faculty of Stomatology and the 2nd year of the faculty of General Medicine on the following topics:

  1. Spinal cord, its structure and functions
  2. The motor system.

Outgoing academic mobility was conducted by candidate of medical sciences, docent Isaev Galymzhan Isaevich in the form of practical classes, lectures for pharmaceutical, biological and medical faculties in the following sections:

  • physiology of the excretory and digestive system
  • physiology of metabolism and energy.

This cooperation was confirmed by a certificate

We thank Bashkir State Medical University for sharing knowledge and experience!