Adolescents in society, stages of transition, deviations and ways to overcome them

On May 24, 2022, the head of the department of “Pathological Physiology” of the WKMU named after Marat Ospanov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Zheksenova A. N. and teachers of the department: Nurymova G. K.; Auezova D. S. organized for students of the 8th grade of the secondary school – lyceum №23 named after Alimkhana Ermekova event “Қоғамдағы жасөспірімдер, өту кезеңдері, ауытқулар және одан өту жолдары”.

The purpose of the lecture: to show the importance of the teenage period, which is one of the most important transitional periods in the life cycle, the right ways of passing, to pay attention to emerging problems, to support students. Taking into account the fact that the level of psychological activity of adolescents is not the same, the survey was conducted among schoolchildren, considering the development and thinking abilities of a teenager as a pattern of his current life and past life.

The topics of the complex, bullying on the awareness of the importance of the fact that in the development of a teenager in the foreground is his environment were touched upon. During the lecture, students were able to master the subtleties of adolescence, acquire life guidelines.