«To help the practical doctor»

As part of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M. Ospanov, the staff of the department of general medical practice No. 1 organized a master class on the topic «To help the practical doctor.

Modern aspects of the treatment of arterial hypertension». The master class was held by the assistant of the department, Ph.D. Kulkaeva S.Zh. The purpose of the event is to familiarize general practitioners with modern aspects of the treatment of hypertension based on the recommendations of the European and Russian Society of Cardiology. The issues of tactics of managing patients with arterial hypertension to achieve the target level of blood pressure in certain age categories and in hypertension-associated clinical conditions, diabetes mellitus are highlighted.

The audience discussed with interest the algorithms for the treatment of hypertension and asked questions on issues of interest in the treatment of hypertension. The relationship between practicing physicians and teachers of the department helps to optimize the methods of diagnosis and treatment of hypertension and provide patients with timely and adequate assistance.