“How to keep your heart in the fight against oncology”

21.06.2022 in the assembly hall of the medical center of the NAO WKMU named after M. Ospanov held a regional scientific and practical conference: “Cardiooncology: how to keep your heart in the fight against oncology”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of WKMU named after M. Ospanov.

The conference was prepared by employees of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 and Oncology Department.

The conference was opened by the Vice-Rector for Clinical Work, member of the Board of NAO WKMU named after M. Ospanov, PhD, Associate Professor Musin Nadiyar Maratovich, who made a welcoming speech to the participants of the conference. Then Yerbolat Maratovich Iztleuov, Head of the MC WKMU, Ph.D., Chief Oncologist of the OUZ of Aktobe region, spoke. He expressed gratitude to the organizers and wished the participants of the conference fruitful work.

The first report was made by Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 Zholdin B.K., the topic of the report: “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiotoxic complications of antitumor therapy”. In his report, Bekbolat Kulzhanovich spoke about the groups of chemotherapy used in the treatment of breast cancer that can have a cardiotoxic effect, types of cardiotoxicity, methods of detection and ways to correct cardiotoxic complications.

Balmagambetova S.K., PhD, Associate Professor of the Oncology Department presented to the participants of the conference a report “Results of the retrospective phase of the study of cardiotoxic effects of chemotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer”. Data provided by the speaker on the oncology center of the city of Aktobe for 2018-2019, were obtained within the framework of STP: “Development of a program for early diagnosis and treatment of cardiotoxic complications caused by breast cancer chemotherapy”.

Reports on the topic of the conference were also made by Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 Tlegenova Zh.Sh., assistant Sultanbekova G.A. Then the floor was given to the chief freelance cardiologist of the OUZ Aktobe region Guseva I.V. Resident cardiologist of the 2nd year of study Amanova A.A. told about a clinical case of thromboembolism in a woman with breast cancer.

The conference was held at a high professional level using the latest electronic means to demonstrate participants’ reports. The conference materials presented undoubted interest to cardiologists and oncologists, and the data obtained within the framework of the scientific and technical project showed the need for a multidisciplinary approach to patients who will have antitumor therapy.