International seminar on social responsibility

On the eve of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University, the Department of Psychology organized and conducted a training seminar (webinar) on the topic “Formation of social responsibility based on increasing stress resistance and resilience of the staff of educational and medical organizations” with international participation for all interested teachers, teachers, students . The event is planned within the framework of the scientific project “Social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training in universities of Western Kazakhstan” (IRN No. АР09058126), funded by a grant from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The excellent composition of the speakers of the seminar, who are representatives of different universities and other educational organizations from different cities of Kazakhstan, is surprising Syzdykbayeva Aigul, PhD, Associate Professor of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, Almaty; Zheksenova Azhar, candidate of medical sciences, head of the department pathphysiology WKMU them. Marat Ospanova, Aktobe) and other countries (Alena Ilyinichna Garber (Dr. Alena Garber), PhD, Associate Professor, psychologist of the «Reinhardshöhe» Rehabilitation Clinic, Hesse, Germany; Svetlana Pavlovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department. Foreign and Russian Languages ​​St. Petersburg State University of Technology named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, St. Petersburg, Russia Sirojiddinova Zukhra, Ph.D. Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan).

Leading professors, school directors and teachers from Aktobe, Almaty, Aktau were invited as guests: K.Turebayeva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Special Education, ARU named after K. Zhubanov; G.Bakhtiyarova Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of preschool education, pedagogy and methods of primary education, ARU named after K. Zhubanov; S.Seitenova candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Baishev University; Zh.Tolepbergeni Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of M.Ospanov WKMU; M.Shagyrbayeva Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Sh. Yessenov Caspian University of Technology and Engineering; P.Abdullayeva PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Sh. Yessenov Caspian University of Technology and Engineering; A.Baikulova PhD, post-doctoral student of the KNPU named after Abai; A.A. Baimagambetova director of government agency “Secondary School №28”; A.Latyp director of government agency “Secondary School №64”; A.Kushtayev director of government agency “Secondary School №13”; A.Estleuova director of government agency “Secondary School №12”; G.Bisekova Head of the Department of Social and Psychological Support of the Department for Social Work and Youth Policy, M.Ospanov WKMU; F. A. Kushekbayeva head teacher of government agency “Secondary School №6”.

The university administration (A.M. Baspakova) and moderators of the seminar (A.I. Miraleeyeva, M.M. Knissarina, A.T. Sissenova, G.S. Zhumaliyeva, A.B. Kushekbayeva) expressed their deep gratitude to all speakers, guests and participants of the seminar for their genuine interest in this event, as well as the desire to cooperate in scientific and creative terms! With sincere wishes for a peaceful sky, good health, a prosperous and happy life, everyone was presented with Letters of Appreciation on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of the Rector of the Marat Ospanov WKMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.A. Kaliyev and certificates for participation in the seminar!