October 25 – National holiday – Republic Day

On October 25, in honor of the Day of the Republic, under the supervision of the head of the Department of Languages, Ph.D., Associate Professor Mustyapova A.S. organized a number of festivities. On October 19, it is planned to hold a gala evening “Zhasay ber, zhanara ber, zhana Kazakhstan!”, a competition of dictations and essays.

On October 13, teachers of the Department of Languages ​​held a competition for writing a dictation, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan among students of higher educational institutions on the topic “Atameken”. More than 60 students of 1-2 courses of the specialty “General Medicine” and “Dentistry” of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University took part in this event.

The jury members who checked the students’ works, consisting of Abdullina L.N., Sabitbekova M.M., Kozhabekova Zh.K., Moldasheva L. Zh., Baytakova M.K., determined the winners. The evaluation criteria included spelling and punctuation literacy, calligraphy.

Students who wrote the dictation without errors:

Kosai Nurai – “Dentistry”, group 109

Kobenova Akmaral – “General medicine”, group 211

Mauytbai Olzhas – “General medicine”, group 211

Orynbasar Lyazzat – “Dentistry”, group 103

Toylybaevich Yerkebulan – “Dentistry”, group 103

Dariga Kenzhebekovna – “Dentistry”, group 103.

Askarova Asylzhan – “General Medicine” a, 221a

Maksatova Elnara – “General Medicine” a, 205a

The results of festive events and competitions dedicated to the Republic Day, which is celebrated as a national holiday for the first time, will be announced and covered in a timely manner.

Happy holiday! Stability and prosperity to our Motherland!