Adolescent health is the key to the health of the nation

According to the annual plan of the linguistic school-gymnasium No. 24 and with the leadership of the school, a round table event was held on October 14 on the topic “Formation of the menstrual cycle of girls, dysmenorrhea and prevention of teenage pregnancy”.
With the participation of Associate Professor of the Department of Normal Physiology, PhD, ass. professor Amanzholkyzy Ainur, 3rd-year doctoral student Donaeva Ainura Ergalievna and 2nd-year doctoral student Kulzhanova Dinara Sandibayevna within the framework of a scientific and technical project funded at the university level on the topic “Assessment of the state of mineral density and bone metabolism in adolescent girls with primary dysmenorrhea in the Kazakh population” a lecture was given.
During the meeting, it was said that much attention should be paid to the reproductive health of girls, there was a great interest in the issues of puberty and early pregnancy, as well as the opportunity to undergo free research within the framework of the study, many questions were asked. In the course of the goal and on the basis of the plan, all issues were discussed, students of grades 8-11 showed activity and feedback on important and relevant issues was at a very high level.