Essay writing competition on «The Role of research in high school»

On November 7, 2022, an essay writing competition among university students on “The Role of Research in Higher Education” was held at the Department of Languages, organized by English teachers on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University.
The aim of the competition was to write students’ thoughts about the importance of the role of research in higher education, to independently develop creative thinking skills, to teach them to express their thoughts accurately and competently, while taking into account the requirements for the structure of writing an essay in English. 1st year students of the Faculty of General Medicine took part in the essay competition.
According to the results of the essay writing competition, the winners are:
1st place – Izbergen Inabat (General medicine, 103 group)
2nd place – Tulegenov Damir (General medicine, 124 group)
3rd place – Kanzharbay Aruzhan (Pediatrics, 104 group)
All participants of the competition were awarded with letters of thanks.