Tarikh tagylymy

On November 11, within the framework of the 65th anniversary of the Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines organized the traditional intellectual Olympiad “Tarikh tagylymy” among 1st year students.
The purpose of the event is to popularize for future doctors the path of people who left an indelible mark on the history of our country and contributed to the spiritual development of Kazakhstan from a historical point of view, to show them as an example, to increase interest in the history of their people, respect for other people’s opinions, and organization when working in group.
The 1st year students of the faculty of General Medicine actively participated in the Olympiad: 101-102 gr. (M. Aimaganbetova, J. Jahan, M. Aiken), 126 gr. (M.Bekeev, M.Ibrasheva, Zh.Azhenova), 127-128 gr. (M. Maksotuly, Sh. Dosmukhanbetova) and specialty pediatrics 101-102 gr. (A. Rafaelova, A. Berzhankyzy, B. Daulybaev). The competition consisted of four stages.
The event was summed up by the head of the department of “Social and humanitarian disciplines”, candidate of historical sciences Zh.T. Tolepbergeni, noting that holding such an Olympiad is important from an ideological point of view. The winners of the olympiad were financially encouraged by the administration of the university and the trade union organization.
The event was held in an informative and friendly atmosphere. Leading of olympiad B.A. Moldin noted that the worthy name of great figures will not be forgotten, and information and educational events will be continued in the future.