Participation in the interuniversity conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of BSMU

On November 17, Bashkir State Medical University hosted an interuniversity educational and methodological conference with international participation “Innovative methods and IT technologies of teaching and upbringing in a medical university”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university. The conference held online and discussed the need for the introduction of electronic educational technologies, the quality of professional training of medical personnel in modern conditions, the possibility of combining traditional teaching methods and distance learning, the introduction of the latest achievements and technologies into the learning process, the use of interactive activities, updating the content of education, changes and development of new technologies of training and education.
On behalf of our university the head of the Department of Psychology, candidate of medical sciences Alua I. Miraleyeva took part in the conference. In a report on the topic: “Analysis of students’ essays on the MOODLE platform on the topic: “Working during COVID 19″. Invaluable experience of personal growth. Qualitative research” examples of changes in the personal attitudes of students who worked in dispensaries during the COVID 19 pandemic were given. The report was listened to with great interest.
Undoubtedly, such conferences are very useful, as they allow us to adopt the best experience of other medical universities.