Debate “All the people of the world should speak one language”

Within the framework of the 65th anniversary university celebration, on November 24, 2022, teachers of the Department of Languages organized debate in the English language “All the people of the world should speak one language”, which were held according to the classical debate model. The participants of the debate- 1st year students of the Faculties of General Medicine and Pharmacy, from whom 2 teams were formed, defending and arguing opposite points of view on this issue. The group of experts, which included students, NIS graduates, assessed the oratory skills of the participants and the skills of speaking in English.
The objectives of the debate are to increase students’ interest in learning English, the ability to work in the team and express their thoughts correctly. Based on the results of evaluating the performances of the teams, the team of winners and the best speakers were determined. The best speakers: Otemuradov Ruslan 123 General medicine and Nauryzbai Symbat group 131 General medicine. All participants of the debates were awarded with certificates and presents.