Implementation of advanced training programs according to 005 RBP of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

From 03.10.22 to 30.11. 2022, within the framework of the 005 Republican budget program of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Provision of educational services in the field of advanced training and retraining of personnel of healthcare organizations” at the Center for Professional Growth of NJSC “Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University” on a free basis, programs are being implemented in 11 priority areas of practical healthcare.
Experienced teaching staff of 17 clinical departments of the university take part in the training. They have developed 29 programs for additional education PC cycles for doctors of various specialties.
665 students are being trained – GP doctors, general practitioners, obstetrician-gynecologists, cardiologists, pediatricians, surgeons, pediatric surgeons, anesthesiologists-resuscitators, infectious disease specialists, phthisiatricians, medical rehabilitation specialists, epidemiologists, psychologists, chief doctors and their deputies.
With great interest and attention, practitioners improve their knowledge and improve their medical qualifications.