Presentation of the textbook “Philosophy”

On December 5, the presentation of the textbook “Philosophy” by Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the M.Ospanov WKSU, Doctor of Philosophy, Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences Altai Taizhanov and Master of Humanities Guldariga Simukanova took place.
The event was held on the basis of K.ZhubanovAktobe Regional University. The scientific event was held by the Vice-rector for Science and Innovation of the University, Doctor of History, professor Rahim Beknazarov.
Public figure, Doctor of Philosophy, professor Amangeldy Aitaly, Vice-rector for Social and Educational Work of the University, Candidate of PhilosophyEsbol Mukhanbetkaliyev, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the M. Ospanov WKSU, Candidate of History, Associate Professor Zhanar Tolepbergeni spoke about the textbook for university students.
This work was highly appreciated as the first published work in the country in accordance with the new curriculum in philosophy.