Terrorism is a danger to society

On 06.12.2022, at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 was organized event in order to prevent extremism and terrorism among young people called “Terrorism is a danger to society.” The event was organized by the forces of interns –« General practitioner» of the 6th year under the guidance of the assistant of the department Nurmanova D.S.
The term “terrorism” was used for the first time at the end of the XVIII century in France during the Great French Revolution. In the modern world, terrorism is understood as a policy of violence and intimidation against the citizens of their country or when an organized group seeks to achieve its goals through violence. Terrorists can use arson or explosions of residential premises, shops, train stations, vehicles, hostage–taking, hijacking planes, while the victims of terrorists are civilians, including children.
Unfortunately, our country is no exception. On November 12, 2011, police captain Gaziz Baitasov heroically died as a result of a terrorist act in the city of Taraz, while detaining a criminal, he covered a grenade with his body to protect the surrounding people. He was awarded the high title of Halyk Kaharmany posthumously. On June 5, 2016, a group of people committed a terrorist attack in Aktobe.
The terrorists attacked 2 gun shops and military unit No. 6655 of the National Guard. During the terrorist attack, 7 civilians were killed, 11 policemen and soldiers were wounded.
We have to admit that we live in the age of terrorism. And therefore, every person, and especially young people, as the most vulnerable part of society, should know the essence of terrorism, its origins and possible ways to protect against it.
The organizers of the event presented to the audience information about the manifestations of terrorism, how to behave with terrorists, gave examples about rules of behavior when detecting suspicious, unattended objects . Next, inters showed scene about how terrorists capture hostaqges. At the end of the event, the head of the department G.L. made a speech. Kurmanalina, who thanked the organizers for the event and said that anyone can face manifestations of terrorism, and therefore we all need to be vigilant and careful.