Interuniversity cooperation

At the invitation of the rector of NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” A.A. Kaliyev on December 22, 2022 there was held a meeting with the delegation of the Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, headed by the rector Karabasova Laura Chapaevna.
The meeting was attended by vice-rectors, deans, director of the department of academic activities and other employees of the Universities. During the meeting, the guests visited the museum of the history of healthcare in Western Kazakhstan, a number of departments of the University.
There was a mutual exchange of views on cooperation between Universities, in terms of improving teaching skills, innovative teaching methods, scientific activities, holding conferences and educational work, etc.
As a result, was made a decision to create a working group of specialists from both Universities to determine joint areas of activity and a subsequent action plan.
The meeting was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, in a businesslike and constructive manner. Mutually beneficial cooperation will continue on an ongoing basis.
Interuniversity cooperation will improve the quality of educational processes, expand the boundaries of scientific activity.