Achievements of the department

The Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 under the leadership of Ph.D., Associate Professor Kurmanalina Gulnara Lukpanovna is doing a lot of work in all areas of the teaching staff. Interns of the Department of Internal Medicine, interns of the Faculty of “Military Medicine” in the direction of “Therapy”, resident cardiologists, resident therapists are trained at the department. In 2022, the department prepared 3 cardiologists and 13 therapists for practical healthcare and graduated. All graduates are employed and work in their specialty, including 2 graduates joined the ranks of teachers of their native University. The department constantly conducts professional development cycles for doctors of the entire Western region of our country.
Since 2021, the department has been carrying out an intra-university NTP commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science: “Development of a program for early diagnosis and treatment of cardiotoxic complications caused by chemotherapy of breast cancer.” The study is registered in the international ISRCTN database, the protocol of the study is published in the journal “Diagnostics” (Web of Science Q2; IF 3,992). In addition, in 2022, the staff of the department published 5 articles in peer-reviewed journals with a non-zero impact factor.
All teachers of the department provide medical and advisory assistance to the population not only of the city and region, but also of Western Kazakhstan, review medical histories, take part in the work of Republican headquarters.
The department constantly conducts educational work with students in a variety of areas: professional, civil-patriotic, socio-political, spiritual and moral, family, aesthetic and multicultural, intellectual and creative, physical, labor and environmental education. Round tables, debates ,festive performances are arranged.
For the high key indicators of the department for scientific, educational, methodical, therapeutic, educational work following the results of the past year, the rector of the NAO ZKMU named after M. Ospanov Kaliev Asset Askerovich awarded the staff of the department with a diploma and presented a valuable gift – an interactive whiteboard.
The interactive whiteboard has a wide range of functionality: from ordinary drawing on a virtual surface to adding information and objects found on the Internet, creating presentations, demonstrating practical skills and working with video files, allows students to touch the picture to choose the correct answer. This makes the information more visual, creates a creative atmosphere in the classroom, and stimulates group discussions. In addition, teachers, using an interactive whiteboard, will be able to create their own methodological base, saving illustrative materials (text and multimedia files, tables, diagrams, images from the Internet, etc.). The board is installed in the lecture hall of the department and teachers have already been able to get acquainted with its wide possibilities for use in the educational process.