KPI system in action

According to the results of the implementation of the KPI plan, our department occupies a leading position in the university. The management of the university encouraged our department by presenting an interactive whiteboard.
Advantages of the interactive whiteboard: draw on a virtual whiteboard, add information and objects directly from the Internet, make presentations, demonstrate practical skills and show videos, allow students to touch the picture with a special pencil to select the correct answer, draw diagrams of mechanisms, draw graphs, thanks to which interactive whiteboards can replace traditional whiteboards, flipcharts, video/media systems. This function visualizes information, creates a creative atmosphere in the group, stimulates group discussion, and shows interest from students. By connecting a microphone to your computer, you can record your performance and send it to the audience for playback. This feature can significantly change teaching methods.
The use of an interactive whiteboard facilitates the work of the teacher in explaining the topic through drawings, diagrams, projections of lecture material. The staff of the Department of Normal Physiology thanks the university administration for such a gift.