Coworking center: modern technologies and creative environment

Today, February 9th 2023, the opening of the first co-working students center for 142 seats took place on the basis of library’s reading room in the first academic building of the University, the total area is 234 m2.
The Chairman of the Directors Board – T. Rakhypbekov, the Rector of the University A. Kaliyev, students, teachers and employees of the scientific and technical library attended to the Grand-opening ceremony.
In the modern world, studentship is the period when you use your time to the maximum: you are always ready to learn something new, but often the wrong distribution of time, intense activity and lack of specifics interfere and even harm students in their main business at this stage of life – learning.
Therefore, more and more attention is paid to the need to create space for creativity and recreation. One of the tasks of the University was to create the necessary conditions for students with the availability of separate places, technical equipment, areas for business meetings, discussions and just relaxation. As a result, a co-working center was opened to support students and provide them the necessary conditions for comfortable learning and self-development within the walls of the University.
CO-WORKING-CENTER is a modern platform for students, with the opportunity to gain new knowledge, share experiences, create their own projects, in a cozy atmosphere and free internet. Creative environment and places for individual and team work – such spaces help students to reveal their potential, increase productivity, creative thinking, motivation, improve academic performance, develop projects in the field of education, science and extracurricular activities, maximally use their time.
Prior to the opening of the co-working space, repair work was preliminarily completed, comfortable furniture, computer equipment, and video surveillance were purchased. The coworking center is designed in a modern Loft style: maximum openness of the space without solid partitions, strict horizontal and vertical lines, the predominance of white in the design of the room, the convenient location of scientific literature – all this sets you up for a creative atmosphere and many opportunities for activity.
Co-working spaces are great alternative to work in a dorm or at home or university library.
As Rector of the University A.A. Kaliyev noted at the opening: “students should spend their free time with benefit, it is in the world of knowledge that one cannot stop there, one must always be on the lookout. Great hopes are placed on you in strengthening the health of our population and the prosperity of our Kazakhstan.” He shared a plan for the planned construction of a building for a co-working center. I wish you success in comprehending a complex science – medicine, but so noble and necessary for our citizens!