Participation in the IX International Scientific Conference

In the city of Shymkent, on the basis of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, the IX international scientific conference of young scientists and students on the topic “Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy” was held. The conference was held jointly with the Tajik State Medical University. Abuali Ibni Sino and covered all universities in Kazakhstan and abroad. The conference discussed current areas of modern research and the search for further solutions in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals.
The performance of the students of our university received worthy attention at the international conference. 2nd year students of the Faculty of General Medicine took part in the section “Public Health in the 21st Century”, and were awarded the nomination “BEST REPORT” among 40 participants in the section, and also noted the quality of the presentation during the report and the strong interest of students in their future professions.
Scientific work of students Zhetes Akgul and Iniyatova Kymbat under the guidance of M.Sc. senior teacher Duysenova Ainash Aldabergenovna was on the topic “Communicative skills and abilities in the structure of the activities of workers in the field of healthcare and ways to improve communicative competence.” The purpose of the work was to study ways to improve the communicative competence of healthcare workers.
The data obtained as a result of the study make it possible to increase the number of communicatively competent workers in the field of healthcare, and also form the basis for the formation of a unified model of communicative competence of students – future doctors.