Integrated lesson with resident cardiologists

On 02/23/2023, at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2, Associated Professor of the Department, Ph.D., Talipova Iliada Zhaksybaevna, together with the head of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Ph.D., Associated Professor Zheksenova Azhar Nikolaevna conducted an integrated open seminar lesson with resident cardiologists of the 3rd year of study. Topic of the open class was: “Diagnosis of diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle – chronic heart failure with saved ejection fraction”.

The head of the medical work of the MC of the M. Ospanov ZKMU, a doctor of the highest category, Irina Gordysheva, attended an open lesson as an expert from the Academic Committee on Educational Residency Programs, as well as all the teachers of the department.

At the beginning of the lesson, Iliada Zhaksybaevna spoke about the relevance of chronic heart failure today in general and about the difficulties in diagnosing diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in particular. After the introductory speech, resident cardiologists presented to the audience a thematic presentation using an interactive whiteboard. During the presentation, residents talked about clinical and laboratory-instrumental methods of diagnosing diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle, answered questions from the audience.

Then, to consolidate the topic, residents were offered a clinical case of a simplified version of the diagnosis of CHF with a preserved ejection fraction. At the same time, the students determined the pretest probability of LV diastolic dysfunction using the American H2FPEF algorithm and the European HFA-PEFF algorithm.

At the end of the lesson, residents answered test questions on the material they had passed, after which they gave feedback. This part of the lesson was also conducted using an interactive whiteboard and the Slido application.