Interuniversity exchange of teachers within the framework of academic mobility

On March 3, 2023, a two-week exchange of teachers of the Departments of Chemistry of S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU and Marat Ospanov WKMU ended as part of the implementation of the Program of internal academic mobility of teaching staff between medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Associate Professor Ph.D., E.V. Nechepurenko from the S.D. Asfendiyarov National Medical University came to our university to share her experience. For outgoing academic mobility in S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU from February 20 to March 3, 2023, worked as a senior teacher of the Department of Chemical Disciplines A.Darmenkulova. At the workplace, teachers held open classes, attended lectures and practical classes of departments, and took part in various events of the department and the university for this period. Thus, Associate Professor E.V. Nechepurenko visited the coworking center of our university and the seminar of Associate Professor Amin Tamadon on the topic “New cell and tissue imaging technologies”. In the scientific and medical library, the guest was introduced to the latest special educational and scientific literature and told about the period of work and life of Marat Ospanov at our university.
Associate Professor of S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU E.V. Nechepurenko and the head of the department of Marat Ospanov WKMU Gumarova Zh. Zh. analyzed the teaching materials of universities on chemical disciplines, gave reviews on test examination questions, and began work on writing a joint article on the problems of chemical training of medical students. After the open class (Group 131 “General Medicine”), the students expressed their respect for the high professionalism and dedication and words of gratitude to Elena Viktorovna in the reviews; the head of the DAW, Ph.D., was also highly appreciated. N.U. Alekenova and head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines Ph.D. A.B. Saginbazarova.
Work on the implementation of inter-university academic mobility of the teaching staff of the department, aimed at improving professional competencies and developing cooperation, was carried out at the proper level, and all the problems were completed.