World kidney day

On 10.03.2023y. a conference named “Problems of nephrology from primary care to transplantation” dedicated to the World Kidney Day was held in Aktobe Medical Center.
The World Kidney Day was proposed by the International Society of Nephrologists in 2005 and was performed in all countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan. In recent years, the number of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is incresing all over the world, CKD is a factor of risk of adverse outcomes in patients, including the progression of cardiovascular pathology, persistent disability and mortality.
Such event in our city was held for the first time, the organizers were the Aktobe University. The main aim is to inform primary care physicians about the state of nephrological care in the country and in Aktobe, actively identify patients with chronic kidney disease in the early stages through screening, and manage patients at various stages of CKD. Family doctors of polyclinics of the city and region, cardiologists, endocrinologists, residents, patients suffering from chronic kidney disease, media employees were invited: the newspaper “Range”, “Rika TV”.
The conference was also attended by employees of the NAS ZKMU named after M. Ospanov: Head of the Department of Histology, Ph.D., Professor Temirova Gulnar Ayaganovna and assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 Sultanbekova Gulmira Amantayevna. They made a report: “CKD in the practice of a family doctor: how to recognize and what to do?”. In addition to the university staff, reports were made by: Deputy head of the regional health Department Izbasarov B.U., chief freelance nephrologist Yanuvarova D.R., chief physician of the AMC Sultangereev E.B., nephrologists of the medical center “BIOS”.