Implementation of the Visiting-professor program at the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines

As part of the implementation of the Visiting-professor program, Svetlana Vasilyeva, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology of Voronezh State University, delivered lectures to students of the Faculty of Pharmacy from 13.03. to 17.03. 2023.
Students of the 4th year in the specialty “Pharmacy” in the discipline “Industrial Technology” and “Innovative technologies of pharmaceutical production” were given interesting and informative lectures and classes were held online on the Zoom platform on the following topics: “Preparation of ampoules for filling. Checking the chemical and thermal resistance of ampoule glass”, “Tablets. Classification. Theoretical foundations of tibetan. Excipients used in the production of tablets, their classification, purpose”, “Technology for the production of pills, microdrugs, capsules and granules”, “Infusion solutions. Classification. Requirements. Technology of obtaining”. Students enthusiastically listened to the lecture, asked questions of interest to them, were active in practical classes.
Saginbazarova Akzharkin Bolatovna, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines, the teaching staff of the department expressed great gratitude to the foreign professor and hope for further cooperation in academic and scientific areas.