Prize-winner of the Diploma of the 2nd degree of the International Subject Olympiad

On March 23, 2023, the 1st International Olympiad for students of medical universities was held in Bishkek, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of I.K. Akhunbaev. The participant of the Olympiad, our student of the 3rd year of the 321A group, Atshybaev Magauiya, distinguished himself by his knowledge of pathological physiology and was awarded a Diploma of the 2nd degree.
The purpose of this Olympiad is to stimulate the educational activities of students in various disciplines, to reveal the leadership and creative qualities of students, to support the most talented students, to involve students in solving practical and scientific problems of fundamental and applied medicine, to develop interest in scientific activities and strengthen international relations.
The Olympiad was held in 2 stages: the 1st stage was testing, the number of questions was 30 and the duration was 30 minutes. 2nd stage oral survey. a) a question on the discipline, b) solving a situational problem, c) assessment of practical skills. These stages cover current topics and priority issues in the discipline of pathological physiology.
The answers of the participants were evaluated by the members of the international jury. The winner of the Olympiad student Atshybaev Magauiya expresses gratitude to the university and the head of the Department of Pathological Physiology Zheksenova A.N. for the opportunity to go and participate in the international Olympiad, and also expresses that he has gained invaluable experience in self-realization on the way of becoming a future specialist, applying his fundamental knowledge gained in the study of the discipline “Pathological Physiology”.