Scientific project “Social responsibility of students in vocational training in universities of Western Kazakhstan”

In 2021, in the Competition for grant funding of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023, a grant was received to conduct a study on the topic “Social responsibility of students in vocational training in universities of Western Kazakhstan”, IRN AP09058126, implemented at the Department of Psychology of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov”. The source of funding is the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scientific supervisor: PhD Knisarina Malika Maksatovna. Research group: PhD Baykulova Aigerim Meyrkhanovna, PhD, Associate Professor Syzdykbaeva Aigul Dzhumanazarovna, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Zhumalieva Gulmira Sainovna, Master of Natural Sciences Kushekbaeva Aya Berikovna.
The conceptual apparatus of research work, a structural and content model of social responsibility consisting of four components (cognitive, motivational-value, activity, reflexive-prognostic) was developed; psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social responsibility in the conditions of their study at the university are described.
The reliability of the results is also confirmed by scientific publications undergoing the review procedure in the editorial offices of journals, as well as speeches at international conferences. The obtained research results are presented in the form of the following scientific products: 1 publication in a journal indexed by the SCOPUS database (the percentile is higher than 35): 4 publications in journals recommended by the KOKSNVO RK; 13 publications/abstracts in collections of international conferences indexed in the Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI databases; 1 publication in the RSCI journal. Were taken part with a performance
In 2021, at the initiative of the research group, 3 (three) memorandums of cooperation with the Marat Ospanov ZKMU between the universities of Western Kazakhstan were drawn up to implement the tasks set: NAO “Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yesenova”Aktau, NAO “West Kazakhstan University named after M.Utemisov”Uralsk, NAO “Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov”, Atyrau. So, in 2022-2023, researchers carried out scientific business trips in order to diagnose social responsibility among students and conduct training seminars and master classes in the cities of Western Kazakhstan – Aktau, Atyrau, Uralsk within the framework of international memoranda.
7 certificates of copyright registration for the obtained scientific results were issued in the period 2021-2022, demonstrating the reliability and transparency of the research.
In 2022-2023, researchers conducted a number of training seminars, trainings and master classes for students and teachers with the issuance of Letters of Thanks, certificates of university-type participant at the bases of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU, K.Zhubanov ARU, M.Utemisov ZKU”, ATSU X. Dosmukhamedov.