Exchange of pedagogical experience within the framework of the program “Academic mobility of university teaching staff”

At the Department of Psychology from 27.03.2023 to 31.03.2023, incoming mobility was carried out within the framework of the program “Academic mobility of teaching staff” by the head of the Department “Psychology and Special Education” of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov by PhD Kaziev Karas Orzhanovich.
Invited lecturer K.O. Kaziev conducted classes for the 2nd and 5th courses of the specialties “General Medicine”, “Dentistry”, “Clinical psychology” in the disciplines “Communication skills in medicine”, “Patient-oriented training”, “Psychotechnology of self-regulation and stress tolerance of personality”.
K.O. Kaziev successfully applied various innovative pedagogical technologies, interactive methods and techniques (isotherapy – breathing techniques to reduce stress, etc.).
With the participation of K.O. Kaziev, a methodological seminar was held on the topic “The experience of conducting scientific research at a modern university” within the framework of the scientific project of the IRN No. AR09058126 “Social responsibility of students in the conditions of vocational training in universities of Western Kazakhstan”, meetings and consultations with the teaching staff of the department and students of the university.
The implementation of the academic mobility program makes it possible to expand friendly relations between teachers and scientists of universities in different cities and countries, there is an intensive exchange of pedagogical experience, which improves the quality of teaching and increases the professional qualifications of teachers.