Visit of professor Mezhebovsky V.R.

As part of the “Visiting professors” program from 10.04 to 14.04.2023, the Phthisiology and Veneral disease department was visited by MD, Professor Mezhebovsky Vladimir Rafailovich – Head of the Phthisiology and Pulmonology department of Orenburg State Medical University. The visiting-professor read a course of lectures, held master classes and seminars for 4th year students and 6th year interns of the specialty “General Medicine”, residents, doctors of the clinical base –Aktobe Regional Phthisiopulmonological Center and medical organizations providing outpatient care.
Students received modern ideas about the pathogenesis, pathomorphosis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis. In the lectures, much attention was paid to the epidemiological aspects of tuberculosis in the world. The seminars on modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of mycobacteriosis, nonspecific lung diseases aroused great interest. The practical part of the visit included clinical discussions, consultations of patients with severe respiratory diseases.
All participants noted the high level of organization of the visit program, the scientific atmosphere and the applied orientation of master classes and seminars held by Professor Mezhebovsky V.R. The professorial teaching staff of the department, doctors of the clinical base got the opportunity to exchange scientific and practical experience on topical issues of phthisiopulmonology.