“From experience to project”

On April 14-15of the current year,Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted the III International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists “From Experience to project”. The conference was attended by medical universities of Kazakhstan and universities of neighboring countries. The conference considered the current directions of modern fundamental research and the search for further solutions to problems in the field of medicine and healthcare. The organization of the event was distinguished by an unconventional approach to the format of the event – Pecha Kucha Night – in the evening in the picturesque foothills of the southern capital. Purpose of the conference: active communication of students and young scientists, development of personal growth from leading speakers of Kazakhstan.
The speech of the students of our university was not left without attention at the international conference. 1st year students of the Faculty of General Medicine Bekniyazova Aisulu and Orazaeva Marzhan, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Dentistry Danabaev Nurdan took part in the areas of “Medical cooperation in the field of natural science research” and “Research in the field of fundamental disciplines”. Orazayeva Marzhan made a report on the topic “The impact of stress on human health and its consequences”, Bekniyazova Aisulu – with the report “The impact of psychological traumas of childhood on human health”, Danabayev Nurdan made a presentation on the topic “The role of creativity and clinical thinking in the professional activities of dentists”. The scientific work of the students was conducted under the guidance of Duisenova Ainash Aldabergenovna, M.P., senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology. The participants had the opportunity to perform in front of a large audience with their works. They were given exactly 400 seconds to vividly and memorably present their research.
We express our gratitude to the administration of the Marat Ospanov WKMU for supporting the trip of our students to the conference.
Марат Оспанов атындағы БҚМУ әкімшілігіне студенттеріміздің конференцияға қатысуына қолдау көрсеткені үшін алғысымызды білдіреміз.