Integrated lesson for residents

On the basis of the course of psychiatry and narcology of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, the assistant of the course of psychiatry and narcology Akhmetova Svetlana Akhantaevna and the senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology Zhumaliyeva Gulmira Sainovna jointly conducted an integrated practical lesson on the topic “Psychological characteristics of personality in alcoholism” for residents of the course of psychiatry and narcology.
At an open lesson, the issues of examination of alcohol intoxication, the issues of the emergence of alcohol addiction in a person, and ways to deal with addictions were discussed. A conference session was held using interactive and active learning methods – brainstorming, a blitz survey, analysis of a clinical case, a mini-lecture, debates.
The lesson was attended by the teaching staff of the course, the department, also Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor of the department of traumatology B.I. Kushimov and Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N.A. Akimzhanov.
The members of the commission unanimously expressed their positive feedback on the integrated lesson and noted the relevance and timeliness of the topic of the lesson, the importance of the psychological issues raised in the clinic.