Successes of our residents

On May 24-25, 2023, the 88th All-Russian Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists with international participation “Issues of theoretical and practical medicine” was held in the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Thanks to the support of the rector of the NAO ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov Kaliev Asset Askerovich, residents of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of our University Aldongarova Saltanat and Ailadyrova Zhainagul made a full-time report on the topic: “Practical aspects of prevention of cardiotoxic effects of chemotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer.” The topic of the report is part of a scientific project carried out at the department under the supervision of PhD, associate Professor Tlegenova Zh.Sh., PhD, Associate Professor Balmagambetova S.K.: “Development of a program for early diagnosis and treatment of cardiotoxic complications caused by breast cancer chemotherapy.”
Residents spoke in the section “Internal Diseases”, in this section a total of 21 reports were presented. According to the results of the section, our residents took 1st place. The chairman of the section, Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 of BSMU Rustamova Z.Ya. presented the speakers with diplomas and memorable gifts.