The results of the intra-university competition were summed up “The Best University Teacher”!

In the nomination “The best teacher of the theoretical department” was awarded:
I place – Zheksenova Azhar Nikolaevna;
II place – Ermukhanova Lyudmila Sergeevna;
III place – Urazayeva Saltanat Turakovna.
In the nomination “The best teacher of the clinical department” was awarded:
I place – Bazargaliyev Yerlan Shaimerdenovich;
II place – Batyrova Gulnara Arystangalievna;
III place – Zholdin Bekbolat Kulzhanovich.
In total, 12 applicants out of 16 were allowed to participate in the competition, who scored 100 or more points in terms of qualitative and quantitative indicators in accordance with the established indicators. Also, the competition committee evaluated the results of the survey “Teacher through the eyes of a student”, presented by the management system service.
The main goal of the competition is to improve the professional and pedagogical culture of the teaching staff of the university, the level of educational, methodological and educational work, stimulate the activity of the scientific potential of the teaching staff by creating favorable conditions for professional self-realization, increasing motivation for further professional development of teachers.
All laureates of the competition will receive a monetary reward: 1st place – 750,000 tenge; 2nd place – 500,000 tenge; 3rd place – 300,000 tenge.
Congratulations to all winners with the title of “Best University Teacher”!