Participation in the National Forum of Laboratory Medicine

On September 21-22, 2023, the National Forum of Laboratory Medicine and a scientific and practical conference with international participation “Modern trends in laboratory medicine for clinical practice” took place in Astana. West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov was represented at the forum by the head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Batyrova G.A., assistants Taskozhina G.E., Baktikulova K.V., head of the Department of Microbiology Kurmangalieva S.S., who acted as moderators and speakers of the sections. During the forum, modern trends in laboratory medicine, issues of standardization and development of reference intervals were discussed.
The most pressing issue was the training of laboratory service personnel. The section discussed the problems and prospects of clinical laboratory diagnostics in medical education. This year, only two universities recruited residents under the new educational residency program “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics”: ZKMU named after. Marat Ospanova and Semey Medical University, therefore the forum served as a useful platform for discussing issues of implementation of the residency educational program, as well as issues of academic mobility of residents.
It was possible to establish connections with prominent foreign scientists from Turkey and the Russian Federation. In addition, issues of integrating the discipline Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics into the educational programs of NIMO were discussed. As a result of the forum, a resolution was adopted on the need to include Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics in the educational programs of Continuous Integrated Medical Education.