Republican Terminology Conference

On October 13, 2023, the Republican Terminology Conference “Issues of creating Kazakh terms in the field of Surgery” was held in the Congress Hall named after Akkagaz Doszhanova.

The work was attended by Abdildin B.S., Head of the Office of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Terminology Commission; Mukaev D.T., deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Aldangorova A.A., head of the department for the development of the state language of the Administrative Department of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of all medical higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.

The tradition of holding such conferences, with the participation of representatives of state and public bodies, the educational system, and Kazakh scholars, testifies to the importance of the agenda under consideration.

As the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov”, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.A.Kaliev noted in his greeting. – regular holding of such conferences is of great importance for training medical personnel at a professional level. Adequate translation of medical terms, bringing them into line with modern language and legal norms, and their linguistic characteristics require constant careful work.

The quality of medical personnel training largely depends on the educational system itself. To provide a good education to students in the Kazakh language, there is a constant need to discuss medical terms, in connection with the updating of training programs. It’s not for nothing that wise sayings say “Til – bilim, tarbiye tugyry” (Language is the pedestal of education and upbringing), “Bilim kilti – til” (The key to knowledge is language).”

The Conference participants were able to share their experience of the educational process in the professional state language, about the ways of forming and implementing terms, their creation and application in medicine, surgical activities, and existing problems.

The speakers presented interesting reports, their own developments in Kazakh terminology for professional and high-quality training of students in the state language.

The conference was business-like, fruitful and educational.

We thank all participants of the Conference and wish them professional success, good health, peace and prosperity.