Exchange of experience and conducting master classes through the integration of educational programs of medical universities

According to the work plan of the Department of International Cooperation, Projects and Academic Mobility and the Department of Histology of the WKMU named after Marat Ospanov, on the basis of the rector’s order dated October 18, Professor of the Department of Histology Gulnara Temirova Head, PhD Zhanat Komekbay visited the Department of Histology Head, PhD Maral Ergazina of the Kazakh National Medical University named of Sanzhar Asfendiyarov in the period from October 30 to November 3.
During the week, Professor Gulnara Ayaganovna held a number of demonstrative interactive lectures to students, undergraduates and doctoral students on various organs and systems. On the first day of training, using the example of histology of the nervous system organs, the lecturer noted that with an imbalance of various enzymes and vitamins, based on the review papers in PubMed for 2022-2023, there is a dysmorphic development of the neural tube, entailing anomalies and deformities of the nervous system organs. Whereas a number of researchers Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University Imperial College of Healthcare NHS Trust, London, Alruwaili AA, M Das J. StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing; Treasure Island (FL): Jun 27, 2022. Myelomeningocele. [PubMed]) revealed a number of changes and the development of pathologies in the form of spin Bifid and anencephaly.
In the process of implementing the planned activities for conducting lectures to students and teaching staff on the male and female reproductive system, hematopoiesis and immunological protection and the cardiovascular system, the lecturer used a number of new methods of communicating information and conducted feedback on an ongoing basis. Such techniques as: question-answer, test tasks and situational tasks in the form of micro-preparations, etc. helped students to better understand the histological material and differentiate them by organs and body systems.
In the process of academic mobility, Professor G.A. Temirova got acquainted with a large and friendly team of the Department of Histology of the host university. Also, G.A.Temirova conducted two master classes on the topic of drawing up test tasks and conducting a practical lesson on the endocrine system in team-oriented training. She demonstrated classic examples of a clinical case on the histology of the pituitary gland and gonads, drew attention to the exact timing of time in the lesson, that is, to correctly prioritize to achieve learning outcomes.
The administration of our university, represented by Rector A.A. Kaliev NJSC “West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov”, we express our deep gratitude and appreciation for the cooperation between our universities within the framework of the signed memorandum of cooperation. We hope for continued cooperation for the benefit of our common interests.
Thus, when planning academic mobility, all the planned activities by Professor G.A. Temirova were achieved at a high level both between students, for conducting classes in the period from 30.10.2023 to 03.11.2023 for 2nd-year students of the specialties «Pediatrics”, “Medicine” offline, and the teaching staff.