Meetings of the English speaking club

In order to develop spoken English among teaching staff and university staff, an “English speaking club” is organized for everyone. The English speaking club is held with the participation of native speaker Stephany Murphy Linn (Georgia, USA), who came to us under the Fulbright program.
Classes in the conversation club are meetings in a free format, where a friendly atmosphere reigns, and interesting topics force you to immerse yourself in the material and express your opinion in a foreign language.
At the meetings of the English language speaking club take part teachers from the departments of histology, pathological physiology, neurology with a course of psychiatry and narcology, hygienic disciplines with occupational diseases, neurology, pathological anatomy, epidemiology, normal physiology, propaedeutics of internal diseases, therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry, general surgery, medical and biological chemistry, internal diseases №2, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, general medical practice №1, evidence-based medicine and scientific management, as well as other structural divisions of the university.
We remind you of the club’s work schedule “English speaking club”: Tuesday is for beginner’s level and Thursday is for intermediate and advancer’s level, from 15.00-16.00 weekly at the academic quality department on the 5th floor.