The main goal is to create a Center of Best Practices

The University Clinic of Family Medicine is not only the main link in providing primary health care to the attached population, but also a training base for training students, interns, residents.
In September last year, a Memorandum of cooperation was signed between the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” and “Primary Health Care”. Business cooperation is aimed at creating a Center for Best Practices (hereinafter — CLP) on the basis of the university polyclinic. Over the past period of cooperation, a significant section of work has been carried out on the development and improvement of primary health care, personnel training, the introduction of new innovative technologies, the organization of work as part of a multidisciplinary team (doctor, nurse, social worker, psychologist, healthy lifestyle specialist).
A modern Call center with the possibility of patient feedback, a family planning room, separate examination rooms for women and men, a “Longevity School” for the elderly have been opened, the created structures are equipped with trained specialists and the necessary equipment. A number of rooms have been renovated, the necessary furniture has been purchased. A “Roadmap for the development of the Family Medicine Clinic as a Scientific and practical center of PHC for 2022-2023” has been developed.
The preliminary analysis carried out by RNS experts, with the identification of the main problems and the provision of methodological and practical assistance in the preparation and implementation of innovations in the work of a multidisciplinary team of specialists and the organization of training seminars for doctors, nurses, cathedral staff, social workers, psychologists, economists, seminars-meetings with residents and interns, meetings with the population all directed to prepare for the creation of a new format of the Best Practices Center.
To ensure a high-quality educational process, the clinical departments of General Medical Practice No. 1, General Medical Practice No. 2 and Family Medicine have been transferred to the KSM, which is visited daily by at least 45 students and residents, with opportunities to learn in practice the implemented advanced innovative technologies corresponding to the world level, directly participating in therapeutic and preventive processes. In the near future, it will be possible to open an advanced center on the basis of the KSM, which will become an educational, scientific base for the preparation of a new format of general practitioners, specialists in independent nursing, demonstrating the practical possibilities of integrating health services based on the modernization of primary health care, expanding the competencies of family doctors and nurses of international level.
And for the population, the Center of Best Practices will create accessibility, safety and improvement of the quality and duration of life, stimulation to lead a healthy lifestyle, joint responsibility for their health.