A training platform for professional training in emergency situations is already a reality!

In the main building of the university, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” A.Kaliev met with the director of KAZANADA LLP, the International Training Center in Central Asia Kevin Frick. This training center is responsible for training in the programs of the American Heart Association: Basic Resuscitation (BLS), Advanced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (ACLS), Advanced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Pediatrics (PALS) and Neonatal Resuscitation Programs (NRP); training of emergency medical technicians; responsible for training from the International Academy of Dispatching Service and Emergency Situations. The purpose of the visit is the possibility of creating a training ground at the university.
During the meeting, Rector A.Kaliev introduced the guest to the activities, structure, material and technical base of the University.
The parties discussed the introduction of significant reforms in recent years in Kazakhstan’s healthcare aimed at accessibility, safety, timeliness and quality of medical care to the population, in particular, in primary health care organizations with the introduction of call service for 4 categories of urgency; ambulance and emergency care, including the replacement of the color of cars with yellow, according to world experience; multidisciplinary hospitals with opening of reception departments with 3H-medical sorting. In general, this allowed to reduce prehospital mortality and improve quality. At the same time, a significant role belongs to the tactics of first aid in emergency cases, according to international standards.
Cardiovascular diseases and stroke claim the lives of 17 million people annually. The American Heart Association (AKA) is one of the largest non—governmental organizations in the world that fights cardiovascular diseases, recently signed a Memorandum with WHO for a more productive fight against heart diseases in the population, has been providing educational programs on prevention and first aid for the population since 1930.
Kevin Frick, born in Canada, is a PHC specialist by education. He worked in Canada as a PHC specialist in the emergency room; a member of the medical triage team (during the military operations in the Persian Gulf). He has been living in Kazakhstan since 2001. For more than 20 years he has been engaged in management in the field of healthcare, consulting, strategic development and business development. Chairman of the international expert group on the improvement of emergency medical care in the Republic of Kazakhstan from 2014 to the present.
Having considered and discussed all the possibilities, the parties decided to open a training ground at the university, which will become a Training center for the educational programs of the AKA and the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NATSMP) with the organization of courses on BLS, ACLS, PALS, PNTLS (pre-hospital life support system for injuries).
The training center will become a platform for organizing educational courses for students, medical workers of Western Kazakhstan.