Academic mobility of the professors and teaching staff

Teachers of the Department of «Natural Sciences» “West-Kazakhstan Medical University» named after Marat Ospanov in the framework of cooperation with teachers of the Department of «Informatics and Information Technologies» of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov held classes on academic mobility from October 30 to 10 November.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of «Natural Sciences» WKMU named after Marat Ospanov Yesmukhanova Dariga Utebaevna taught classes to students in specialty: 6B06103 «Computer Technology and Software», 6B01502 «Physics», 6B01501 – «Mathematics», 6B03101 «Psychology», 6B01404 – «Physical Culture and Sports», 6B02102 – «Design», 6B03102 students of the 1st year of «Clinical Psychology» and teacher of «Natural Sciences» Sakypovа Dana Serikkalievna 6B01501 «Mathematics», 6B01404-«Physical Culture and Sports», 6B01502 «Physics», 6B02102 – “Design”, 6B01401 – “Music Education”, 6B11102 – «Cultural and leisure work”, 6B01405 «Visual art, artistic work, graphics and design», 6B07207 «Technology and construction of lightweight products»6B03102 – for students of the 1st course of «Clinical psychology» were held classes in the discipline “Information and communication technologies” offline format of Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov.
For the purpose of mutual exchange within the framework of the academic mobility program from October 30 to November 10, Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov held classes under the academic mobility program from October 30 to November 10, Senior Lecturer of the Department of «Informatics and Information Technologies» of ARU named after K.Zhubanova Shamishevа Bibigul Salamatovna 6B10103-«Nursing», 6B10104 «Military Pharmacy», 6B10105 «Stomatology», 6B10104 ЕP «Pharmacy» 1 course, 6B10101 for 2nd year students of «Public Health» and lecturer of the department «Informatics and Information Technologies» Medeuova Aishat Bekbulatovna 6B10105 «Stomatology», 6B10104 for students of 1st year «Military Pharmacy» Classes were held in the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov on the discipline «Information and communication technologies» in a mixed format.
The teachers used different teaching methods during the training. He taught interactive tools such as computer, interactive board, interactive screen.
And also, in the framework of academic mobility to meet the needs of health development and scientific tasks, was planned with the Department of «Informatics and Information Technologies» at the ARU named after K.Zhubanov and the Department of «Public Health» at WKMU named M.Ospanov conducting a joint STP on IT in healthcare on the basis of WKMU.
Internal academic mobility has enabled teachers to gain access to new teaching methods and skills and to share experiences with other teachers.