Important events for students

In the Akkagazа Doszhanovоi Conference Hall, the Department of Normal Physiology organized events dedicated to the 165th anniversary of Shakarim Kudaiberdyuly, the 30th anniversary of the Bolashak International Scholarship dedicated to innovations in retraining and continuous training of graduates and doctors.
The lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Bauyrzhan Shamshi, the lecturer of the Department of Normal Physiology Galymzhan Isauly noted the importance of the event. Bauyrzhan Shamshi spoke about the moral life and work of Shakarim Kudaiberdyuly, the students expressively read Shakarim’s poems and staged a small stage production. Kuis were played and songs were sung.
The head of the regional department of education, Zhaiyk Sultan, speaking about the Bolashak program and its features, noted that this is a great opportunity provided by the state, and he himself completed an internship under this program abroad.
. Akmaral Baspakova, head of the Department of Scientific Work, graduate of the Bolashak scholarship in the medical field, and Zhasulan Bakiyev, graduate in the technical field, shared their experience. Also, Professor of the Department of Physiology Roza Nurgalieva shared her thoughts on innovations in retraining doctors and obtaining continuing education.
Summing up the results of the event, Head of the Department of Physiology Ayman Kaldybayeva thanked the guests.