«Askaktai ber, aybyndy Kazakhstan!”

On December 5, the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University hosted an open festive event “Askaktai ber, aybyndy Kazakhstan”, organized by the curators of the Department of Psychology in honor of the 32-nd anniversary of Independence.
The purpose of the festive event is to show the heroism of our ancestors on the path to independence of our country, to show students an example of the feat of older brothers and sisters who took part in the December events. To tell the story of that momentous day when our descendants opened the way to the glory of a great country. To foster love for the Motherland, the native land, to preserve the native language, customs, traditions, to foster patriotic feelings, stage culture.
At an open festive event organized by students and the curator of the group 103-104 of the Faculty of Pediatrics, G.Netalina, the curator of the group 120-121 of the Faculty of Dentistry A.Duisenova, students sang, danced, showed skits, read poetry, played the dombra.
Head of the Department of Psychology A.Miraleyeva and Chairman of the Board of Curators A.Kaniyeva expressed their congratulations and wishes to the students.